

Discovering Reggio Children Project activities: A journey into webinars, visits, and research

Welcome to the Reggio Children Project!

Thanks to support from Early Childhood Ireland’s National Pyjama Day, we have been able to create a comprehensive programme that encompasses a variety of learning opportunities. This project has been designed to positively influence the experiences of children, educators, and families.

Find out more about National Pyjama Day

Reggio Emilia


Exploring the foundational elements of the Reggio Emilia Approach


Quick bites of knowledge from articles, blogs, and podcasts



Our mission, partners, advocacy and funding

Sara Porpora
Reggio Children

It is wonderful that educators from Ireland are exploring the Reggio Emilia Approach to provide high quality experiences to children in early learning and school age care settings in Ireland


and events

Find all the information you need to stay informed and engaged

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