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Bite size chunks of knowledge from articles, blogs, and podcasts
A collaborative project exploring the theme of inspiration and its connection to creativity
Paula highlights the significance of creativity and play in interpreting and understanding the world.
Anne Macken reflects on the Reggio Emilia International study tour.
An Atelier in the Reggio Emilia Approach is a dedicated space, similar to an art studio, where children can engage in various forms of creative expression.
In the Reggio Emilia Approach, the environment is seen as the ‘third teacher’
The Reggio Emilia Approach prioritises children’s right to access quality education regardless of their background, abilities, or disabilities.
I was filled with new wonder, delight, and renewed energy.
In this podcast episode, we explore the concepts of nature pedagogy and adventurous play with Chloe Keegan, Early Childhood Specialist.
Dr Rita Melia discusses the connection between our image of the child and the principles of the Reggio Emilia philosophy.
In this episode, Orlagh Doyle from Carraig Briste and Killegney in Wexford, and Anne Warren from The Learning Tree in Dublin, chat about their recent study visit to Reggio Emilia.
In this episode, we feature a discussion with Milica Atanackovic, Membership, Excellence and Learning Manager at Early Childhood Ireland, where she answers questions submitted by listeners.