• Exploring Reggio Emilia inspired practices at Carraig Briste in County Wexford

Reflections from a study visit to Carraig Briste in County Wexford.

Exploring Reggio Emilia inspired practices at Carraig Briste in County Wexford
Insightful discussion and collaboration

We visited Carraig Briste in County Wexford. The purpose of this event was for members to experience the real-life practice of a Reggio Emilia inspired service. Carraig Briste weaves their interpretation of Reggio Emilia throughout their two services – one fully outdoor and one more urbanised. Members were inspired by the wonderful forest walk that eased us into a day of insightful discussion and collaboration, then spent their time in small groups admiring the Reggio Emilia inspired lens that blended seamlessly with outdoor practice, allowing members to touch, feel and see the practice come alive.

Key Takeaways

Understanding the practical approaches that can be taken under a Reggio Emilia lens when working with babies, toddlers and young children in an urban and a rural setting type.

How Reggio Emilia caters excellently for a nature-based approach, specifically in fully outdoor services to enhance children’s connection with nature and animals.

There is ongoing need for members and experts to collaborate to stimulate further learning, highlight challenges and generate potential solutions together.

Highlights that Reggio Emilia approaches can be implemented meaningfully in a range of environments that have minimal and large spaces making it applicable to all Irish service types.

Join us on our journey

Experience our journey of inspiration and collaboration in this video, showing a Reggio children visit to Ireland. Carrig Briste shared their knowledge and practices with fellow educators and guests, showcasing how they inspire curiosity in their services and support children to express themselves using the 100 languages. Reggio children and guest speakers ignite curiosity among Early Childhood Ireland and educators regarding the Reggio Emilia Approach.